99+ Interesting Questions to Ask Your Crush

Asking the interesting question is an easy task for a couple in a healthy relationship. Of course, you donโ€™t want to confuse your partner and create awkward situation whatsoever. In such cases, you must create a list of question and avoid asking a random question out of nowhere.

Deep Questions to Ask Your Crush

Intimate Questions for your Partner

I think an old couple wouldnโ€™t mind getting asked intimate question and itโ€˜s easier to approach at the same time.

  1. How do you feel, when I hold you?
  2. When was the first moment realizing that you fall for me?
  3. Is there a tune or song that reminds me?
  4. Do you feel that Iโ€™m the one?
  5. Tell me the first impression you had, when you met me for the first time.
  6. Does it pain, when we are apart from each other?
  7. If I ask you to introduce to your parents, would you do it?
  8. Does your parents know about me?
  9. Can I introduce you to my parents?
  10. Would you hesitate kissing me in public?
  11. If you learn that I got a few weeks to live in this world, what would you do?
  12. Like popular singers, would you write a song about me?
  13. Did I say something that hurt and you never mentioned it?
  14. Have you committed a sin in the past, and you cannot forgive yourself?
  15. What do you listen, your brain or heart?
  16. What is your favourite romantic place?
  17. Do you believe that couples are one soul in two bodies?
  18. Did you lose faith in marriage or you believe in it?
  19. Knowing that I had a bad day, how you cheered me up?
  20. Do you respond to my rude behaviour with mind or heart?
  21. Do you feel uncomfortable sleeping at a home alone?
  22. Hello, Do you believe in soulmates?
  23. Do you believe in love at first sight or chemical reaction in brain?
  24. Do you like frequent cuddling?
  25. Is there any topic that we cannot talk about it?
  26. What is your first impression about me?
  27. What is the first trait; you look at, when you are meet new people.
  28. I believe in Karma, what about you?
  29. Let us assume that you have an opportunity to go back in time, then what would you change?
  30. If life demands me to move to another city, then would you continue long distance relationship with me?
  31. What is the kindest thing someone said to you?
  32. What makes you laugh?
  33. Can you tell me that one specific thing you like about me?
  34. Do you have crush on a fictional character?
  35. Have you got emotional while watching a movie, and cried over it?
  36. Do you love to watch sports?
  37. Do you have a favourite music genre?
  38. Would you solve a hindering problem our relationship?
  39. Who is your first crush or at least tell when it happen?
  40. Would you wish god that I should be your lover in the next life?
  41. Choose between Paris and Spain?
  42. Do you have plans for our future?
  43. Would you kiss me on the forehead?
  44. Will you hesitate hold my hand in public?
  45. Will you hold my name, when I get scared?
  46. Do you recall the day our eyes met for the first time?
  47. Describe me in three or four words.
  48. What is your favourite destination for honeymoon?
  49. Have I ever made a mistake that caused your heart broken?
  50. Can you tell one characteristic trait that you dislike about me?
  51. Can you reveal a dream that you have not told anyone?
  52. Have you done anything childish recently?
  53. In future, if we decide to live together, who will pay the monthly bills?
  54. Have you ever had a dream involving me?
  55. Can you recall an everlasting memory of me?
  56. Would you put your life on the line to save mine?
  57. Did anyone bully you in school?
  58. Do you like bright light or dark moon?
  59. That one thing, you will not repeat ever again?
  60. Describe yourself in three words?
  61. Name the food or fruit that you can eat every single day?
  62. Can you tell me about a bad experience that you had recently?
  63. What source do you access to learn about whatโ€™s going on around you?
  64. Whatโ€™s your definition of dream job?
  65. Hey, Whatโ€™s your definition of love?
  66. Whatโ€™s your definition of marriage?
  67. Whatโ€™s your definition of same gender love?
  68. Do you have bad habit?
  69. Are you spiritual or religious?
  70. What special things would you to your dream house?
  71. If you are given a wish to earn a superpower, then what will it be?
  72. Do you think your parents know you the best?
  73. What fictional character meets your characteristics?
  74. What type of TV shows youโ€™d like to watch today?
  75. Would you rather seek forgiveness or permission?
  76. Imagine that you have an unlimited budget, then what would you gift your parents?
  77. Is there anything that you love about me, and I did not realize it?
  78. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  79. Have you ever felt jealous, when I interacted with someone?
  80. What is the most frightening moment in your life?
  81. What is the best gift, you have received so far?
  82. Do you remember the last time someone appreciated you?
  83. Did you watched a video randomly somewhere and felt โ€œI took everything for grantedโ€?
  84. Would you choose money over love?
  85. What is the most beautiful thing about a relationship?
  86. Hi, What is the ugliest moment you experienced?
  87. What traits do you look for in an opposite gender?
  88. Do you have adorable siblings?
  89. What do your parents and close friends call you at home?
  90. Whatโ€™s your zodiac sign?
  91. Do you believe in superstitions?
  92. What is the most romantic thing you have ever done?
  93. Did you proposed your first love?
  94. Whatโ€™s your opinion on perfect soulmate?
  95. Letโ€™s assume that genie exists, so what would be your three wishes?
  96. Do you watch Anime or Marvel or DC movies?
  97. Once your education is completed, will you go back to the village?
  98. As a child, what was your dream?
  99. Which part of your past was joyful?
  100. Have you lied to any question that I have asked so far?

Ending the question mania with learning about your partner honesty so far is indeed a great idea.

Bottom Line

None of the questions were prepared to judge someone attitude or character. Love and friends are based on trust and bonding, and if you want to know someone from the heart, then you can follow our list.

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