Do you remember the last time when you ‘set the mood’ and brought her into the mood or turned her on? Well, if you don’t remember then, it is high time you brush up your ‘turning on’ skills. No matter whether your woman admits it, she will definitely be loved to be wowed and romanced.
If you thought that you have to break your bank in buying her the most unique diamonds and pearls, you’re wrong! There are little thoughts and steps that can go a long way in getting her into the mood.
When was the last time you bought her a set of sexy lingerie that got you hot? Remember that women usually cheat because they miss the feeling of being turned on by her man.
A little bit on what statistics reveal
Do you think that only a prod on the back is not being enough to get her in the mood? If you think that the other methods of seduction are not making an impact, you need to find a solution to that.
As per a study revealed by Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, women who have very low sexual desire feel the need for mental arousal more than physical.
The study included 64 women watching erotic videos while being hooked to a device that marked their physical arousal. They even had a button to press when they felt aroused or turned on. Later on, the two measurements were matched up to find out the results.
It was found out that women had a difficulty in feeling turned on had more alignment between their mental arousal and genital arousal.
When a woman is turned on mentally, this contributes to the body getting turned on, especially among women with low sexual desire. Hence you can understand why only physical stimulation doesn’t work.
How to get your woman in the mood for sex?
Being a guy, you are definitely the first one to initiate sex and that can never be your fault. Research reveals that men have higher sex drives as compared to women. That doesn’t imply that women are totally uninterested. You just have to spend a little time in helping her build the sexual momentum.
A poll reveals that 1000 men and women exactly know how their partner could find them in a romantic mood when they are actually not feeling romantic. Let’s take a quick look at what women have to say about getting them into the mood.
Brush up your basics
Never underestimate the effectiveness of a make-out session. 80% of women revealed that kissing helps them get into a romantic mood while 65% agreed that a tight hug often works wonders.
Kissing is never only a physical turn on but it is an emotional act that leads to build-up of intimacy. You don’t require attacking her mouth always. On the contrary, if you wish to get her going for a long time, try kissing the seven parts of her body.
A romantic dinner date can work
Nearly 50% women agree to the fact that a romantic date or dinner could facilitate the sexy mood. What is the reason behind this? When you go on a fun date, this evokes different types of funny emotions. For example, if you take her for a stroll or a baseball game, this will lead to an easy conversation.
Cooking for her instead of taking her out for a dinner will mean that you’re eager to do things for her. When you do something out of your comfort zone, you tend to learn more about each other. How about trying a new hobby together in order to build intimacy?
Try talking dirty
This is the best way in which you can straight away get to the point. In case you don’t walk towards the goal, try talking dirty as this can get corny extremely fast. However, make sure you speak all the right things in order to make the moment work for you.
Dirty talk is way beyond all that you hear in porn. If you try to immitate the porn in hammering her like a filthy girl, this is going to be a major turn-off for her in case she is not expecting it.
Leverage the sex toys
In case you’re trying to build up the use of a sex toy, chances are high that you have got her going. Reports reveal that 28% of the women reported that using the right sets of toys will help you create the right scene.
You should consider this as a magic weapon during your foreplay game. Make sure you go for sex toys that tease her best spots like the bullet vibrator.
Try to make her feel sexy
Around 35% of women said lingerie or any type of sexy attire can assist them in helping enlightening the mood. This makes sense as incorporating the best lingerie is one of the secrets of couples having a great round of sex.
If you know lace works for her, encourage her to slip into something that’s lacy or silky. Don’t gift her normal nude bra or a cotton underwear, try to keep things little sexy. Keep telling her how much you love her in it and how special she looks.
Keep a session of extended sexual foreplay
Extended foreplay is vital for getting a woman in the mood for sex. Foreplay doesn’t always have to be wild but it can also mean kissing and exploring the parts of each other’s bodies.
Before you actually get down dirty, keep a round of kissing. Foreplay is not one thing but you can spice it up by mixing several other things. Try dry humping or using outercourse toys to warm her up for the actual session of sexual intercourse.
Therefore, if you’re wondering about the best ways in which you can get your woman into the mood for sex, keep in mind all the above mentioned factors into account. Don’t over-tease as that is a big ‘No’ for most women during the intimate times.