How To Love A Man – (Easy Steps For Women)

Loving a man doesn’t take a lot of effort because they need positive vibes and appreciation.If you want to make him special and give him a good life, then making him feel loved should be the first priority. Men do not understand hinting & affection until or unless you show it to them.

How To Love A Man (Easy Steps For Women)

How to Love a Man

Men are straightforward and dumb (I’m dumb) when it comes to loving women and they do not pick up the hints. I’m going to suggest a few ideas, which will make your spouse feel loved.

1] Compliment Him

Women love compliment, and it is a popular technique that we know about it. Men have become self-conscious about physical appearance and they do make efforts to look good in front of spouse, girlfriend, and partner. They might not have fashion sense, but it is important that you complement the efforts that go into it.

By complimenting men, you are encouraging them to do better and they will feel loved. Apart from parents, nobody cares much about men, where they feel insecure and always aware of the fact that nobody loves them. If they have good qualities, make sure to compliment them for making delicious food or painting.

Do not overdo it because not every male is mature and they might end up overthink and create a new problem. I prefer compliments on the tasks, where I have given my 100% towards it. Choose the subject and occasion or else, it can convert into another problem.

2] A Guide

You might hear of “men dominated world” which directly connected to the inequality subject. In life, men face a lot of challenges from the community, professional life, business or others. Unfortunately, they don’t have mentor to guide them or show them away, and several people do not even have good friends.

During rough days, you should become the guide, and show them away. Men do not trust everyone, and there are subjects that they cannot discuss with parents. Only one can fill up the gap, and that has to be you. Of course, your husband knows the right course of action, but it could be challenging or isn’t sure about it.

As a girlfriend or spouse, come forward and encourage him to speak about it. Discussing problems does lighten up the emotions swirling inside. Of course, you don’t have to play the role of problem-solver, but emotional support should play a major role.

Husbands don’t share professional life information, but they will disclose it during the lowest points of life. Your presence should assist swirlingemotions to calm down and proceed forward.

3] Involvement

Ask him for advice and opinions because it will constantly keep him involved in your life. Emotional attachment is a strong element in relationship and it isn’t possible until or unless you involve him in important decisions.

Women can make decisions alone, but the opinions of parents, siblings, and spousesare important. Do not take decisions, where it doesn’t involve spouse or partners.

Of course, nobody is asking the women to follow the footsteps of men driven ideas. By involving him in personal decisions, you are opening a new gate of opportunities, and it will bring more suggestions & different perceptions. By the end of the day, he will feel important piece of the puzzle in your life, which strengthens the bond.

Involving the spouse in shopping, buying jewelry and others is a good occasion. Do not force anyone to join you, when they are not genuinely interested in it.

One must understand that they don’t want to be part of the occasion because they lack interest. The love shouldn’t become forceful event because it will leave disappointing moments for both individuals.

4] Show Affection

Showing affection is the strongest element of being together and having a comfortable relationship. For instance, give long hugs to husbands, when they are leaving for the office, which will boost them for the day. Every woman wants their husbands to come back home with a smile and willing to spend quality time.

By holding arms, while walking impacts the affection positively. Resting your head on his shoulder is another way of showing affection, and it will make him feel important. By using these affection methods, it will remind him that he is the one, who is protecting you from the harm. Men feel strong when they have someone to protect and feel loved at the same time.

Strong independent women do not need protection, but it is an excellent method to show affection. Give him the opportunity to display his affection towards you and it will strengthen the bond. Make sure not to do it randomly to avoid awkward moments.

5] Priority

Independent women schedule is filled with family duties, friends, professional meetings, and others. A working professional cannot fulfill all duties at the same time, which is understandable.

Every human being already decides, who deserves the attention & who doesn’t. You cannot find a substitute for spouse/partner and you should make it clear that “HE MATTERS!

I’m not asking the readers to box out the rest of family members and friends. A human being must not walk alone, and she should walk with everyone around them. Our roles in life change frequently, but it shouldn’t take negative turn whatsoever. It is important to make spouses or partners feel that they are the priority.


Millions of people believe that men do not sacrifice and that isn’t true at all. Responsible guys sacrifice plenty of things, and they never mention it. Out of love, they will keep it to themselves, so you can be happy, and do not miss out on anything in life. Your partner might be giving up something to keep family members happy, but you shouldn’t come in the way.

For instance, they wanted to buy an iPhone for a longtime, but they couldn’t afford it. Men spend monthly income on covering up the expenses and fulfill wishes of the family members. I’ve seen men paying the mortgage of the house, and fulfilling family member’s wishes. By the end of the day, they got nothing left to gift themselves.

You don’t have to bring them flowers every day, or buy them presents every month. Make him happy by gifting him that one iPhone, and it should be one gift that worth sacrificing everything in life.

Do not buy presents frequently because you cannot have a guy, who depends on you. The partner or spouse shouldn’t become a blanket, which ultimately turns into back up. A man should always be independent, and that’s how they remain strong.

Bottom Line

How to love a man?

Encouragement is a strong element that every man needs, but they don’t ask for it. Create a home, where they can relax without worrying about professional life challenges, and problems.

Remember, men should come back home on-time, and it is a clear sign that the home stands for “comfort zone” and that’s where they feel loved & taken care of. Let us know what suggestions you would like to add to women in the comment section below.

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