TOP 100+ Best Good Conversation Starters Ideas for You

Good Conversation Starters :ย A good conversation can lead your talk to some unexpected relationship. Even I have read something like this, “even though I am words; you can’t describe me into a story. I am an Ink of your pen, which will pass to the pages through your feelings.”

If you are looking for a Conversation Starter with a Girl and lead it to end like the quote, you can find some killing questions here. You are on the dating apps and looking for Online Dating Conversation Starters; then also you will surely find relevant stuff here. My friends, don’t g anywhere and start reading!

Best Good Conversation Starters

Good Conversation Starters

1) What is the meaning of your name?

2) What are your top three wishes on your list?

3) Have you ever wish something that seems impossible?

4) What way would you like to die?

5) What was the lowest point in your life and how you pass through it?

6) If you get one wish or miracle that becomes true, then what it would be?

7) Do you believe that if the thing or person does not matter in the next five years, do not waste even five minutes on them?

8) According to you, what is the biggest risk that you have to take, but can’t due to some reason?

9) What is your ideal life look like?

10) If you get an envelope with the scariest incident of your life from the future, would you open it to know it?

11) What is the best time of your life?

12) Have you ever seen someone and wish that you can live your life like he/she?

13) How would you like to spend your perfect day?

14) Do you like reading?

15) Is there any movie that affects your behavior or lifestyle?

16) Who has the strongest influence in your life? Name that person and why?

17) Which book motivate you the most?

18) Do you think that priorities change according to time, especially for the person?

19) What things come in your priority list? Top 5 priorities.

20) Whom do you give preference majorly; Parents, siblings or friends?

21) What is an unforgettable lesson you learned from your parents?

22) What is the most difficult task or thing you have done?

23) What do happiness and success mean to you?

24) Do you scare from any event or thing that happens in the future?

25) Do you enjoy your company or look for someone?

26) What is the travel for you?

27) Can you express love and emotions in words?

28) Do you have ever experienced staring celling at 3 am and questioned your self why me?

29) What main things do you want to know about your partner before getting into a relationship or getting married?

30) What makes you very romantic?

31) What can bring a smile on your face?

32) What is the best and worst habit you received from your parents?

33) What is the most entertaining moment in your school or college life?

34) Do you believe in the three date rule?

35) Give me the name of your first crush.

36) What would you pick from these three choices; a room full of opportunities, a room full of money, or a full room friends?

37) What are the three most essential things for you?

38) Name the three close people of your life.

39) Is there any dream that you want to live?

40) Do think that education leads to success?

41) If you have a week to change the education system, what changes you would make?

42) How can you measure the success of the person?

43) What do you hate the most?

44) What is the most annoying habit of people, according to you?

45) Have you ever witness of beautiful sunrise or sunset without a single person around you?

46) What afraid you most?

47) Which kind of movies do you like?

48) If you have one option to choose for movies; either harry potter or fifty shades, which one do you pick?

49) Have you ever stuck in terrific traffic for more than an hour or two?

50) If you have the choice to change your name, would you do that? If yes, then what name would you choose?

51) Share me the habit or activity of people that do not bother others but annoys you so much?

52) What points will you cover in your retirement speech?

53) What question would you ask as Fun Conversation Starters?

54) What gives you a feeling of butterflies?

55) Do you consider rain or snow more romantic?

56) Do you motivate yourself or read or watch stories of others?

57) What is the main reason to be in a relationship with someone?

58) What hurts you most?

59) What are the major reasons behind the sudden breakups?

60) Do you show your anger or choose to remain silent?

61) Do you like to spend time with little toddlers?

62) Do you prefer live-in relationship or marriage?

63) How would you describe your relationship?

64) Can you motivate other people with your words?

65) How would you like to describe by your partner?

66) What comes in the wishlist that made for us?

67) How you would you like to shape our relationship if we started dating?

68) What comforts you most?

69) Do you think we are similar? If yes, then how?

70) Have ever feel discomfort from my action or words?

71) What changed you?

72) How your education change your future?

73) What are your future goals?

74) If your life was a film, which film would you picked up?

75) What is your guilty pleasure?

76) What is secret that people do not know about you?

77) Are you famous among friends and relatives for some work or activity?

78) Is there someone who actually knows real you?

79) What are your hobbies?

80) Do you like to laugh out loud without caring for the people around you?

81) What is your favorite activity, food, book, movies, and series?

82) What do you do in your unoccupied time?

83) Do you like to read books online through an application or with real books?

84) What can seduce you?

85) Do you like cooking (except Maggi!)?

86) If you have to pick a timing for the movie show, which slot would you pick?

87) Who is your oldest friend?

88) What is the cheapest name of the group in your WhatsApp account?

89) How do you like to spend your weekends?

90) Do you want to do a job or business?

91) What is your dream business or job?

92) How would you like to spend your married life?

93) What is your pick up line?

94) What are your nicknames?

95) Do you like the artistic mind or creative mind?

96) Tell me one thing that can allure you.

97) What is your way to relieving from stress and tension?

98) Which your favorite color and number?

99) Where you want to go to spend a vacation with your partner?

100) How much total time do you spend on various applications?

It is all about the questions for the Good Conversation Starters with a Girl. Go in the link and ask according to the time you spend with each other on the phone or real life. Know what to ask according to time and go. It will surely help you. Ask for more help using the comment section below.

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