TOP 100+ Would You Rather Questions For Kids

TOP 100+ Would You Rather Questions For Kids :ย When you are with your kids during your free time or vacation or on a road trip, then you must want to make them busy as well as want to know what they think.

Okay, no one like to play the older games as children are also upgraded with the advancement of time. But yes, they are getting more curious and ask more questions and give more logical answers. So how it is to ask Would You Rather questions for kids? Amazing, isn’t it!

To play this game, we have prepared a list of 100 questions to ask someone to get to know them, and in this case, these are for kids. Take a print out or pick the question for the site directly, whatever you like and just enjoy your time with funny question-answers.

Note that you will also find other types of list of questions like interesting Questions to ask a Girl over text or trivia questions. But at present start with would you rather questions for kids.

Would You Rather Questions For Kids

List of Would You Rather Questions for Kids

1) Would you rather be a famous actor or an artist who is popular all around the world?

2) Would you rather eat apple or grapes?

3) Would you rather be a scientist or a writer?

4) Would you rather live in a modern town or a green village?

5) Would you rather like to live in a tree house or an ordinary house?

6) Would you rather go on a trip to the mountains or beaches?

7) Would you rather go to school by bus or with your parents?

8) Would you rather do school work by yourself or in a group?

9) Would you rather have your room decorated according to your choice or buy toys of your choice?

10) Would you rather want a magic pot of Aladdin that fulfills all your wishes or a magic carpet that flies in air?

11) Would you rather choose to do a dance or sing a song?

12) Would you rather want everything in your house to be uniform in color or everything with a different color?

13) Would you rather make a movie on your school life or college life?

14) Would you rather be an actor/actress in Marvel movies or DC movies?

15) Would you rather play the role of a villain or a hero?

16) Would you rather enjoy outdoor games or indoor games?

17) Would you rather wish to win an Olympic Gold Medal in the running or archery?

18) Would you rather be a master of hand magic or master of paper craft like origami and kirigami?

19) Would you rather go to picnic by car or boat?

20) Would you rather have a special room that has all your favorite toys or a slide that let you ground from your room?

21) Would you rather ride a small white pony or big golden horse?

22) Would you rather be able to grow like Hulk or shrink down to the size of a mosquito?

23) Would you rather be able to move with a scary voice or silently?

24) Would you rather be doing paragliding or bungee jumping?

25) Would you rather eat whole avocado or lemon?

26) Would you rather see a circus performance or firework display?

27) Would you rather go to the amusement park or water park?

28) Would you rather play with friends or video games?

29) Would you rather swing or swim?

30) Would you rather take a walk or ride a bicycle?

31) Would you rather stay on the earth or make a colony on another planet?

32) Would you rather be a witch or a superhero?

33) Would you rather be able to run fast or see the things from far away?

34) Would you rather be an amazingly fast runner or an amazingly fast swimmer?

35) Would you rather own a ship like Titanic or a jet plane?

36) Would you rather go to the old place for a picnic or pick a new place each time?

37) Would you rather play basketball or football?

38) Would you rather be able to live without eating or invisible to all other people?

39) Would you rather be incredibly smart or emotional?

40) Would you rather write a book or direct a movie?

41) Would you rather be going to a picnic in warm or cold?

42) Would you rather be able to write or type quickly?

43) Would you rather randomly turn into a bird for a week or into a frog for an hour in a day for a month?

44) Would you rather design a car or a bike?

45) Would you rather be good at math/science or sports?

46) Would you rather become ten years younger or five years older?

47) Would you rather have a garage full with all lavish cars or room full of money?

48) Would you rather a pc full of games or a room full of books?

49) Would you rather have ninja-like skills or have amazing coding skills in any language?

50) Would you rather be able to control a flood or earthquakes completely?

51) Would you rather have a new pair of cloth or a combo of the shoe and watch every day when you open your closet?

52) Would you rather be able to imitate any voice you heard perfectly or remember everything you have heard, read or seen?

53) Would you rather eat a cake or drink smoothie once in a day?

54) Would you rather meet your favorite movie star or Tv celebrity?

55) Would you rather a sailor or a pilot?

56) Would you rather drink bitter milk or eat sour food?

57) Would you rather be a Sherlock Holmes or Shakespeare?

58) Would you rather be incredibly smart with bad luck or incredibly luck with dumb?

59) Would you rather be able to modify the color of yourself or grow to 10 feet taller?

60) Would you rather want to grow up 18 years old or stay as it is for whole life?

61) Would you rather have a robot or friend-like dog?

62) Would you rather be paid 5$ for doing homework or never have any homework?

63) Would you rather take a dancing class or sports training?

64) Would you rather eat homemade food or food from a different restaurant for a whole month?

65) Would you rather read the mind of others or speak what people want from you?

66) Would you rather change the color of your hair according to your emotions or change the color of your eyes according to your mood?

67) Would you rather drink soup or eat fruits?

68) Would you rather eat unlimited pizza or ice cream all around the world?

69) Would you rather go for tracking or skiing?

70) Would you rather be able to live in an animated movie/cartoon or create your new world of imagination?

71) Would you rather be able to read any language but can’t speak to them or speak any language but can’t read them?

72) Would you rather live in a transparent house or house which has pool instead of the floor?

73) Would you rather become 40 years old or stay kid until 70?

74) Would you want to become a reason to start all the trend or watch all the movies before release?

75) Would you rather be a gold medallist in the winter Olympics or the Summer Olympics?

76) Would you rather be master in 5 different coding languages or master in 5 different languages?

77) Would you rather drive an army tank or navy submarine?

78) Would you rather have a secret bank that doubles all your money or you will find 20$ in the pocket of your nightdress when you wake up daily?

79) Would you rather get a dog or cat?

80) Would you rather live in the range of mountains or forest?

81) Would you rather do a school assignment sitting inside a house or in a garden?

82) Would you rather drive the truck on risky roads or fly an airplane above the sea?

83) Would you rather be a genius scientist or a talented actor?

84) Would you rather perform the role of a famous personality or our daily helpers?

85) Would you rather spend your day in a museum or aquarium?

86) Would you rather be able to find anything that was lost or every time you touched someone, they would be unable to lie?

87) Would you rather be a pet sitter or a babysitter?

88) Would you rather work in a group or alone for a school project?

89) Would you rather cost $300 together per month or $ 10 each day?

90) Would you rather have an unlimited supply of a dish or give a name of one dish after you?

91) Would you rather live in a humid place or dusty place?

92) Would you rather have any book you wanted for free or be able to watch any movie you wanted for free?

93) Would you rather be able to play the tabla or the piano?

94) Would you rather be able to understand sign language or lips syncing?

95) Would you rather sleep for two hours or eat for two hours?

96) Would you rather go to a school that teaches in building or open ground?

97) Would you rather go on the world trip or get $100000?

98) Would you go on vacation on summer days or during Christmas?

99) Would you rather drink milk or eat ice cream/chocolate?

100) Would you rather have super speed or super strength?

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