How to Say Thank You For The Advice

When someone gives you advice, thanking him is kind and thoughtful. In life, there are times when we fail to decide between good and bad. This is when we need advice from our well-wishers, best friends and family members. Some are even lucky to have co-workers, colleagues and bosses who give the best advice selflessly and without a bias.

Thank Someone For Advice or a Suggestion

Thanks For Advises Messages

Receiving advice is always a good feeling as you get to distinguish the path that you should take and that which you should leave. However, you also have to think of the person who is investing his time and emotion and imparting advice to you. Shouldn’t you thank that person from the bottom of your heart for giving you advice?

Are you someone who knows the importance of thanking a person who has given you advice but falls short of words to thank him and let him know your feelings?

If answered yes, you’re not alone as there are many who don’t know what words and phrases to use while thanking a person who has given him advice. We are here to help you with some tips and samples of what you should tell them to express your feelings.

Tips and templates for Thank you messages for Advice

Tip #1: Remember that the best notes are those that are specific and to-the-point. If you mention the type of advice that the person gave you, your note will sound less generic. Also mention how listening to that advice changed your life.

Tip #2: In case you’re stumped for the right phrases and words, just use a simple line like ‘Thank you for your advice’ as writing that is way better than not saying anything at all.

Tip #3: If the person sends you some kind of advice through an email and you aren’t sure whether or not you will be taking that advice, then the most perfect response will be ‘Thank You for your advice. I’ll definitely consider it and let you know if it works’.

Tip #4: You can also check out the samples that are mentioned below in this post and you can either use them as they are or even substitute the information and words for some other lines.

Tip #5: If you know that other people apart from the intended person is also going to see your note, you shouldn’t mention personal situations or remarks that are insensitive. Don’t include any revealing details as this can hurt the other person.

Tip #6: If you feel that you want to thank the person with more than a thank you note, you may even choose to give them a gift card or a store shopping card or a restaurant discount card. This is also a nice way of saying thanks.

Thank You Messages for Advice – Few examples

The samples that are mentioned below include neither the greeting nor the closing part but you should ensure including them in your note when you write them. Here are few templates for writing thank you messages for advice.

  • You are indeed a great listener. Thanks a lot for giving me the best advice on (Topic). I will definitely consider the options that you gave me. Once I consider each of the advice minutely, I have decided to (mention the steps that you’re about to take). Thanks again for being so open minded about discussing all the options that I asked for.
  • I have always appreciated every valuable input that you have given me for anything. I simply love the way in which you clarify things. When you speak, all your words make sense and help me in making right choices. After our conversation over message, I decided to (mention the steps you decide to take).
  • Thank you very much for your support and advice. As always, I am extremely grateful and honored to have heard your viewpoint. Your recent advice on (mention the topic) helped me consider any new options. I had been so fixated about (mention your last thought or choice) that I was totally blind about the other options. Nevertheless, now I will be doing what you advised me to do. Thank you once again for being so eager to help me figure out different things.

General Examples of Thank You Message for Advice

  • Thank you very much for the great advice about (mention the topic). This was definitely not what I wished to hear but I am definitely considering the advice in some time. Now I really believe that this is the best advice. I am so glad that I thought of talking to you about getting some advice.
  • I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your guidance as I navigate (mention the situation or topic). You have always been the best mentor for me and I immensely value your support and value. It’s tough to measure the effect that your advice has had in my life. This has really made a significant change in my life.
  • I am so grateful that we met at the coffee shop last week. I have always been thinking of your advice throughout the week and at last I decided to go by it. I’ll soon be talking to (person’s name) and I expect to witness some change when they agree to that.
  • Thanks a lot for your extremely kind advice that you gave me on how to tackle the present situation. Before I sought your advice, I was feeling defeated and stuck. I also appreciate the fact that you were able to give me the best suggestions on how to move forward in life despite the odds.
  • I want you to know that your advice is a lot appreciated. Since you’ve been married for a longer time than me, I love hearing tips from you on how to maintain a successful marriage. On following your advice, I have certainly benefitted.

Therefore, if you’re someone who has always been faltered on the words to use while writing thank you messages for advice, you should seek help of the above mentioned samples and templates.

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