Best Compliments Men Would Love To Hear

Are you someone who feels two inches broader every time you receive a cute compliment from someone? There’s no doubt about the fact that compliments for girls are a cakewalk.

Compliments For Men, They Would Love To Hear

Compliments For Men

Complimenting a guy is a bit more difficult than expected as it is challenge to understand what actually boosts his ego and confidence and makes him happy. Although it is true that most men tend to be the epitome of self-love and happiness, a genuine compliment can always brighten up their day.

As there are so many men who meet their counselors and share with them that they don’t know whether their girlfriend likes them, it is mandatory that you give them compliments. Let’s take a quick look at the few best compliments that a man will love hearing.

I have always believed in your dreams

There are times when it is tough to understand what exactly goes on in the enigmatic minds of men who don’t share their thoughts.

Being his girlfriend or his partner, if you can act as the cheese to his crackers and tell him that you have always believed in his dreams, this could be a great pat on his shoulders. He will be assured that you trust him and his plans and that you both will be smiling, come what may.

I feel super happy and content with you

To be happy, all that it takes is putting in little efforts. But did you take out time to express the joy that he gives you with all his endeavours?

Appreciate all the baby steps that he takes towards setting his life and towards satisfying you. If he always opens the door for you or remembers to cook your favorite snack whenever you feel hungry or just smiles back at you  when you look at him, you should acknowledge all these with a tight hug. Tell him in an articulate manner that you feel super happy when you are with him.

You look fascinating

Did you ever underestimate his heterosexual activities like going for a spa every month or maintaining a clean shave or a haircut? Does he look at himself in the mirror way more than you?

Did you ever make fun of these gestures? If you did, you can compensate them by appreciating him whenever he looks at himself in the mirror. Tell him he looks fascinating and amazing whenever you can. This makes him feel loved and cared.

I feel like home when I am with you

Home is where there is warmth and peace. Nothing feels loving and warm than being called someone’s happy home. Tell him directly that he makes you feel so comfortable that you’re the best version of yourself when you’re with him.

If he demands calmness, give that to him and let him know that you love the teddy bear warm feeling about him. That is probably the most cherished feeling that you love about him.

You are amazingly funny and humorous

Do you still remember those silly jokes which he kept cracking in order to bring out a smile on your face on your gloomy days?

These are the tiny efforts that he makes in order to make you giggle after your tiring day. It is seen that men usually love to be acknowledged for their sense of humor and the way they tickle your funny bones. Try to be around him and allow your laughter to be the most encouraging and motivating thing of your life.

I’m simply crazy about your style

All men don’t walk around in track pants and sweatpants. There are a bunch that are pretty aware of the color that suits them most and the style that makes them look sexier than others. They are also aware of the type of shirts that make their tummy look flat.

Men can even take time to get ready while going out on a date with you. You should never make fun of your guy if he is different. Give a bright look at him and tell him that his style could send Brad Pitt running for his job!

No matter what, you’ll always find me behind you

There are times when he feels down and all he needs is emotional support or a steady hand to which he can hold on to. Not all days will be good and there are times when he will want you beside him.

It is necessary that you let your man know that you will always be standing beside him, come what may. Be his partner for the entire life and find your relation blossoming like flowers.

You’re the perfect man I’ve always dreamt of

If you see them doing something really cute, you should be grateful that God has sent you someone so special in your life. Be thankful that such a man has come into your way and make sure you actually tell them that.

Your man will feel loved and will seek for more attention. Once you tell him that he is your Mr. Right, this can be the boost to their energy.

I just love everything that you do for me

No matter how effortless and easy it may look, men usually go through the same turmoil that women go through when things don’t go right for them. The manner in which he ensures you don’t feel too cold or the way he cooks scrambled eggs should never go unappreciated and unnoticed.

Give him compliments for everything that he has achieved in his life and the things that he tolerate everyday to keep a smile on your face.

I love the way you make me feel special

Girls often feel jealous about how other men treat their women. Does he wait to pick you up from your office? If he does, you should feel grateful. Acknowledge him for the little things that he does for you and tell him that you’re blessed to get him in your life.

Therefore, if you’re a girl who is blessed with the best guy as your partner, lover or husband in the world, shower him with the best compliments ever to make him feel special.

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